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April 13, 2022 Guest Article0

Science fiction has drastically changed over the decades. Much of this has to do with humankind’s technological advancements, which leads to multiple discoveries, doubts, and questions about the earth and the universe beyond it.

The genre of science fiction explores the different possibilities that center on the curiosities of the human mind. It reflects how people constantly change and challenge their perceptions of science and technology. Some of the most common themes in this genre aim to answer or make its audience ponder whether other intelligent forms exist outside the earth or if life can exist beyond it?

Science fiction thrives in debates – the divided sides people take regarding the questions of the unknown. But as the world progresses, many of these queries have begun to be proven truth or fallacy. How can science fiction grow as a genre when the curiosities it aims to satisfy are answered? Or will these advancements ultimately mean the extinction of science fiction?

The Subtle Alteration

Most of what people are curious about unknown territories in the world mostly revolve around whether life can survive on other plants or flourish on the moon. This is why most science fiction media are directed toward space travel or experiments to answer those questions. However, as this genre is generally aimed at continuous progression, perhaps it’s about time writers focus on the proceeding “what-ifs,” assuming that answers to these questions have been reached. For instance, instead of focusing on the voyage toward the moon, maybe it’s about high-time that science fiction takes people’s imaginations into how life would be like if people did stand a chance of living on the moon or other planets.

Sure, at this point, there’s still a lot of ongoing research and tests to prove if that’s possible or not, and it’s still an utterly unfeasible experience. But isn’t this also the primary goal of science fiction? To ignite people’s imagination and challenge the existing limits of modern technology? Besides, fiction is fiction. The more closely impossible it is, the more people can discuss it and the more traction it might receive.

Take, for example, Moon Luck by Harral. This book isn’t a narration of traveling toward the moon. Instead, it’s already showing its readers how life would flourish on the moon, following its author Scott Harral’s perception – what kind of machinery would help people live, what routines would they be doing there. And Harral depicts it not like how people would imagine it to be. There are no houses or malls like how it is on earth. Though the book isn’t about any normal life and is, in fact, a thriller, it still gives its readers a glimpse of how life can be on the moon.

Taking It from the Other’s Perspective

Mainstream media has ample content revolving around aliens, whether it be thrillers or actions about an alien invasion or the comedies about these creatures trying to blend in with humankind. But what writers haven’t explored much about are alien invasions from the aliens’ perspectives. People have seen and read about how humans were to react if aliens landed on the earth. But how about the aliens? How would they respond to the difference in appearance or their planets?

A Contrast to the Politics

Most of what people see in science fiction regarding the discussion of politics leans toward the negative end of its spectrum – military empires, feudalism, a government so unprincipled that it triggers a revolution amongst its people. But these are the overused type of politics in media that it’s become a familiar and expected trend – bad governance equals the need to revolt. How about taking this idea and putting it in reverse?

How will people react to highly decorous and conventional governance? Perhaps, one so good that it brings in new sets of politics and morality that it instead pushes its citizens to rebel or dissent against their goody authorities? How will people react and take advantage of it when given so much freedom and goodness?

Realistically, How will the World be Years from Now?

There’s almost always an exaggeration when it comes to the future in science fiction. When media talks about the future, there’s always the existence of flying cars or a broken-down society. But let’s face it, a couple of years from now, there might not be much of a difference nor any grandiose advancements in technology to how it is now. And perhaps it’s an exciting idea to explore that realistic side of the future. Rather than making everything excessively advanced, why not do something small and create conflict from that. This way, it will spark the most realism in the audience, giving them a sense of dread with the high possibility of it happening.

For as long as there are existing technological and scientific breakthroughs, science fiction won’t cease to exist. The only thing writers need to do isn’t think of entirely new topics to tackle. Instead, tweak existing ones. This is how science fiction can continue to be a place of discussion and debate about the world’s endless possibilities.


March 23, 2022 Guest Article0

Throughout history until now, poets have admired the moon’s beauty. Looking at it for hours, they would not tire from cherishing and appreciating its beauty. Years later, scientific and technological advancements showed that its surface had a desolate beauty.

The Lunar Missions

The Lunar Mission or the Moon Mission started in the late 1950s when the Soviet Union was ahead of the United States of America in space explorations. Therefore in 1961, US President John F. Kennedy gave inspiration and hope to the American people; he affirmed the landing of man on the moon and his safe return to the Earth before the end of the decade.

The US accomplished this goal eight years later by sending Edwin Aldrin and Neil Armstrong on the moon. The first step was risky and complex. However, many steps followed naturally after the first step, including many exploratory missions to study the moon’s surface and the universe.

On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong touched the lunar surface and said, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” His mission included collecting samples of the moon’s surface for further studies. Little was known that they would be the base for building buildings one day.

How Mankind Lives on the Moon

Life on the moon would be more disparate for explorers than life on Earth. From its lack of air to lighter gravity, the moon is a harsh mistress, just like the late sci-fi author Robert Heinlein claimed. The moon has no weather, no atmosphere, and oceans of water. Its surface is in an eternal nihility. Astronauts in pairs have lived on its surface only up to three days at a time in the small Lunar Module of the Apollo program. 

Only twelve humans (the crews of Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17) have ever walked on the moon’s surface. Apollo astronauts had to tread carefully or risk stumbling or falling because the moon’s gravity is only one-sixth of Earth’s gravity. They ultimately perfected bunny hops and a bouncing gait to walk along the lunar surface.

The sci-fi novel entitled Moon Luck by Wayne Scott Harral conveyed that one or more active stations will be permanently located on the moon in the coming decades. And another will inevitably take a human life while people live in these moon colonies. Harral’s glimpse into the near future as we inhabit the Moon leads one to question if humans will ever be prepared for the first time it happens.

What NASA Planners Foresee 

NASA feels that traveling to the moon could help humans evaluate the mystery behind this vast universe. They believe that valuable resources on the moon can also be used for other space missions. Liquid oxygen is a significant component of the fuel needed for current space travel and other future missions. Also, the moon mission will lead scientists to the human-crewed mission to Mars by 2030. 

Some experts also perpetuate that suborbital tourism will take off, and over one thousand people will be reaching space by 2020. Such a tourist spot would cost millions or billions, possible only for the super-rich people. Further, it will be followed by mining on the moon to use its resources.

The tremendous speed with which pollution and population increase has forced humans to look for other planets to live on. But when one looks at the ground reality, they still cannot imagine living in a place which would be deserted, with hardly any people and vegetation around. One thinks about how it would be with having to move with oxygen masks all the time. Compared to Earth’s lush and lively life, going on a vacation for a few days to the moon seems like a good adventure. However, planning to reside there seems rather tricky, at least now.


The time may come when leaving Earth becomes necessary for the survival of the human race. American ex-president George W. Bush had this in mind when he proposed in 2004 that people should return to the moon and this time to stay. Lunar outposts have created a considerable amount of debate. Some argue that robots can perform the necessary tasks on the moon, and people do not need to inhabit its surface. While the logistics of inhabiting the moon are not yet worked out, the settlement will become imperative for the survival of humanity.

Moreover, humans have been sharpening their space abilities so that when one decides to return to the moon, it will be to stay. 



March 7, 2022 Guest Article0

The further you travel into outer space, the more you realize our most important relationships are down here on Earth. 

Astronauts have always looked back on their homeworld. They see the world as a fragile blue marble floating in the blackness of space when seen from the Moon. Astronauts can see the world with their own eyes flip through the pages of the book Story of astronauts living on the Moon, which holds all the people they love. That connection provides a sense of stability and reassurance that they will return after their mission.

Astronaut’s Life In Space

Astronauts feel the significance of open communication and teamwork while in space. They feel that getting along with their colleagues in space will ease their loneliness and focus on their mission. They must keep in mind that loneliness is not being alone physically but a state of mind.  

The core objective of their goal is to achieve success. The astronauts have to be jubilant to function well in their work, and you can not be in high spirits if you are not getting along with your fellow astronaut.   

The view they get to see out of the window is just breathtaking. You can appreciate the beauty of planet Earth. It looks like spinning in the black velvet of space with a bright blue halo surrounding it, which changes the astronaut’s perspective on life.”

Astronaut’s Depression In Space

Space is a unique solitary environment that complicates the associated changes on the astronaut’s brain. Microgravity affects the brain through vestibular deprivation, cephalic fluid shift, and weightlessness makes the brain perplexing.  

Depression in space refers to an astronaut’s cognitive, behavioral, and emotional well-being in space. It is how astronauts think, feel, and behave during the expedition in space. 


There are several psychiatric problems during space missions. Most common is their adjustment reactions to their new surroundings, and a new domain in space gives them symptoms of transient anxiety or depression.

Space adaptation syndrome or space sickness is a kind of motion sickness that can occur to an astronaut when his surroundings visually appear to be in motion but without his physical body in motion. This abnormal condition can occur during space travel when changes in g-forces compromise one’s spatial orientation.

The isolation in space contributes to anxiety and stress, ranging from neurocognitive changes, fatigue, sleep disorders, altered stress hormone levels, and immune-modulatory changes.

Astronauts experience sleeping problems due to natural light and anxiety problems or depression. Aside from loneliness, other factors create depression, such as microgravity or radiation. The carbon dioxide may also debilitate their neurobehavioral and performance.

Astronauts are given time to speak with their families virtually. There are stressful situations or traumatic events that sometimes occur in space, like when an astronaut breaks up with his girlfriend or divorce cases. A family member is sick, an accident of a family member, or the death of a friend or family member. These situations contribute to the depression of an astronaut in space. 

How Astronauts Maintain Their Mental Health

Space agencies know that the astronaut will be living in space for quite some time. They used studies on arctic bases to keep astronauts sane in their whole trip. Space agencies are very particular with their crew selection and compatibility.

Astronauts are given adequate sleep, healthy and good tasting food, exercise, substantial work, leisure time with other space crews, the availability of social and recreational events – music, movies, and virtual contact with family and friends.

Astronauts are expected to adjust to a new environment with reduced living quarters and limited hygiene facilities, build working relationships with crewmates, keep in touch with friends and family way back home, and balance tasks and rest and sleep. 

Good mental health is vital for the astronauts, so space agencies shouldn’t ignore mental health challenges and issues.

Truth Behind Astronauts

No astronaut has ever traveled farther away from Earth than our own Moon. Space agencies sent robotic probes to explore nearby planets and planets in the outer solar system. Still, no human has come even close to orbiting another planet.

Astronauts have always looked back on their homeworld. They see the world as a delicate blue marble floating in the obscurity of space. When astronauts see with their own eyes the beautiful world that holds the people they love, it gives them sort of a connection that provides a sense of stability and reassurance that they will return home after their mission is over. 



February 16, 2022 Guest ArticleTips0

Every author starts with an idea. Afterward, people think it’s smooth sailing from there – authors sit down with their laptops and continuously type for days on end. But what happens for most authors is that after having the aha! moment, the thought of interpreting the idea isn’t as simple as it seems.

Writing a novel isn’t an easy task, especially in writing science fiction. Besides, sci-fi authors aren’t simply narrating their experiences or day-to-day events; they create a new world. And as a writer, it is your responsibility to give your readers a new experience. Something mind gripping that they can’t help but revisit bits and bits of your book from time to time. Here’s how you achieve that:


For starters, your idea might not be enough to create a couple of chapters for a book. To have a solid foundation for your story, you need to consider more aspects – overall theme, fantasy world, characters – to make your idea more intriguing.

There are hundreds of sci-fi stories out there. This means one thing: competition is tough. For you to stand out, you need to experiment with new ideas. Don’t be afraid to write about something new. One way to do this is by finding inspiration from the real world and putting your twist over it.

Take Wayne Scott Harral’s sci-fi and mystery book, Moon Luck, for example. Its main plot is simple: in a group of scientists, somebody dies, and they need to find out who killed them. But Harral adds his twist to the seeming cliche plot – he made it happen on the moon. The unique setting thrusts the story to a new perspective, where the characters have a different and limited means of solving their problem than how they normally would have.

Know Your Audience

If you’re thinking of publishing your work, you’re writing for others and not only for yourself. To create a compelling story, you must first know who your audience is. Whom are you attracting? What are the possible expectations they might have?

Plan Your Plot

Your characters need to have a circular character arc to be effective. This means they transform, grow and change throughout your story, and this can only be achieved through an organized plot.

To help sort out your plot, you need to pinpoint the heart of your story. What is its core? Is it about a son’s revenge against his family’s killers, or is it a story of acceptance and healing? After you’ve decided on your story’s core, you can then build conflict, complications, climactic events, and resolution around it.

Do Your Research

Just because you’re writing fiction doesn’t mean you can just write everything as you go. While most of its element does revolve around fiction and the somewhat impossible, science fiction – as the name says – is still, in a way, based on science.

Make sure you’re writing the right things. If a detail in your story mismatches your audience’s expectation, this can affect their immersion, likewise, your story’s impact. But while having accurate information is essential, you shouldn’t overwhelm your audience with facts. You don’t want them to feel like they’re reading a science textbook instead.

Create an Interesting World

Besides creating your plot, world-building is one of the most critical elements that carry your work to perfection. After all, everything in your story takes place in your made-up world. Therefore, if you fail to design it clearly, your readers will also have difficulty imagining your story.

Besides the structures in your world, you also need to pay close attention to how you mold your characters. Enjoyable characters are those whom your readers can relate to. While it’s understandable that it’s difficult to relate to wizards or superheroes, besides, we can’t shoot lasers from our eyes; you can still make your characters relatable by giving them actual everyday conflicts and fears. Make them more human than fiction.

In Moon Luck, though not everyone can relate to being an astronaut or a scientist, there still existed a more mundane plot point which was all about finding out who killed their colleague.

Be consistent with how you present your world

The structure of your world is essential to plan out but so should be its mechanism – the laws and the overall logic governing it. A novel doesn’t just end after a couple of short chapters. It means there is more room for you to commit mistakes with the uniformity of your world. Remember, while your story is fictional, your world should appear believable. Having a consistent world creates credibility and makes your story more enjoyable.

Ultimately, writing any type of novel isn’t an easy task. It takes a lot of brainpower and creative juices to make your idea come true. 



December 1, 2021 Guest Article2

Everyone knows that when writing science fiction, the sky’s the limit—but if you don’t plan on setting the story on Earth, then the sky isn’t your limit! Many readers pass over realist contemporary fiction and choose to read sci-fi instead. Why? Well, for one, they can find engaging plots and characters in this genre with no lack of adventure, suspense, conflict, and even romance. However, the main reason readers opt mainstream fiction is the imaginary setting that takes you on a world somewhat different from the one we live in.

These worlds may be basis of the sense of place in other genres, but it’s the very essence of any good science fiction. The setting is so much more than just a framing device in a way that may not be in a realist fiction. You can’t immediately assume that when someone grows plants that it’s going to be the same as it is on Earth. How do you grow plants on the moon? How does it thrive? Suddenly everything changes. Now, do a once over on Moon Luck by Harral. This book has a remarkable world which not only sets the stage for where the story revolves but also lays groundwork for the characters to interact and develop.

Thus, if you want a craft a compelling world like Scott Harral’s, then we recommend you follow the tips itemized below.

Pre-determine Every Detail

Although most writers prefer to build their world along the development of their stories, detailed plans are a science fiction writer’s best friend. And by detailed plan we mean every detail. From the environment of the world to the governing rules, down to the last features. Some writers juxtapose a real-world setting with fantastical elements, while others create an entirely imaginary universe with their own physical laws, logic, and populations of imagined races. This blueprint will be extremely helpful when you’re writing, you may decide to eliminate or change some of these details to your liking as you progress.

The downside of flying by the seat of one’s pants is that you may unintentionally forget characteristics that will be important to the overall plot. So identify all the features you want present on your world.

Take Charge of the Human Sensory

Get creative and go beyond simply describing the appearance to unlock the richness and depth of your fictional world. While there’s nothing wrong with relying heavily on visual descriptions, it can become too descriptive and less immersive for readers. Immersion is the one thing that any writer wants, and you should do, too. Using all five senses is a brilliant rule that helps make your fictional world come to life. Sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. Each sense a powerful tool on its own way. And when combined, they don’t simply describe the world that events take place in offers a full, riveting experience.

There is no necessity to use them all, particularly in a single scene. However, being aware of them as you write, and learning to use them effectively will result in a rich and believable setting that readers are going to want to inhabit themselves.

Use Existing Works to Inspire You

If you’re not like Scott Harral with experience and in-depth knowledge of his setting—the moon, then we recommend you try to revisit the works of other science fiction writers for inspiration. This one is a given, and it’s probably something you’ve heard many times before, but the importance of this can’t be stressed enough. Additionally, never steal ideas rather review the work to see how they built their world.

Plan with Caution

Discovering a new world is a whole lot difficult than building it before you get too deep into the writing. Yes, it can be fun but it is so easy to get lost in the small details you want to include as you progress. Therefore, it’s especially important to have a blueprint. However, over planning can also be a problem. Many science fiction writers become so engrossed in world-building that they find themselves entangled in millions of details, which can be confusing and monotonous. World-building must not come at the expense of your story. You may feel like you have to follow the plans you’ve laid out for yourself but your story and other details will continuously change along the way, so it’s better not to get too hung up on the minor things.


November 3, 2021 Guest Article0

As a fiction writer, the pressure to come up with a compelling narrative will always be there. That is why having inspiration firing throughout the process is a must. But how will this be possible? Even the world’s best artist or writer can feel creatively burned out along the way. And, when this happens, you will feel as though there aren’t many good ideas coming out of your head. The overwhelming feeling combined with stress and exhaustion is not something to look forward to.

Writing can be a demanding task alone, but it can go beyond that. Writer’s burnout is characterized by extreme tiredness and emptiness, which is not a pleasant feeling at all. Even if you are the most passionate writer, your enthusiasm will surely go down when burnout aggravates. A point will come when you start to doubt your own capabilities. Hence, you should never let it worsen or add up—you should do something about it.

Because of the pandemic, many people are affected mentally and emotionally. This proves that the number of people needing help to mitigate burnout is increasing— writers are no exception. Below are the ways to stay creatively inspired as a fiction writer:

Go Back to the Reasons Why You Started Writing

Every author has a story to tell behind their books, and this story always contains a good amount of motivation and inspiration. There is an excellent possibility that the reason why you are burned out is that you’ve lost that fire of spur and drive. So make sure to go back to your story, where you can find that very reason why you started writing in the first place. From there, you can get back on your feet in no time.

Touch on Your Interests

As a fiction writer, you may have your own reason for becoming one, but it never fails to touch on your interests. For example, science fiction novels are always driven by a writer’s fascination with science or the future. So, when you are writing science fiction, you can find your way back to your fascination with science. If it helps, you can also read literary works on science fiction to bring back the feeling of wanting to write one. Alluding to sci-fi, make sure that you get Scott Harral’s book, Moon Luck. Harral’s glimpse into the near future as we inhabit the Moon is a story that can surely give you the motivation to write your own. You can also learn some useful techniques in fiction writing as you read it.

Accept and Go Through It

Accepting that you are in that situation is the first thing that can help you mitigate it. Think of it as a valuable experience. In fact, you can always benefit from experiences—whether good or bad. Instead of feeling upset that you are experiencing it, be challenged. You can’t shy away from it. Because at the end of the day, you can learn lessons by going through it. It even adds up to who you become in the future, making you more robust than ever. To help you feel better, everybody with creative minds experiences burnout, just like you do.

Don’t Rush the Process

One trick that can help you not feel overwhelmed by the work is not to oversee things. Because when you do, you will end up feeling exhausted as you count the workload you have. Creating a list of long-term and short-term goals is what you can do to motivate you even more. Give time to take one goal at a time and not rush everything. Otherwise, choose to have a healthy relationship with the creativity that you have.

A Breather Will Be a Great Idea

You can’t be too hard on yourself by giving yourself some strict deadlines. If the only thing that keeps you working is just to finish something, your sense of passion will be gone. You can’t lose your passion as it is the element that pushes you through. If you feel like you need a slight pause, go ahead and take it. Take things in by meditating or going on a nature adventure. Refreshing the inner you will get you back on track.


September 30, 2021 Guest Article0

Science fiction has flourished for years now, and for a good reason. Readers love the fact that science fiction provides not only outstanding entertainment but also sparks tons of ideas. By definition, science fiction novels are tales about the science and technology of the future. Thus, it is often set in the future or a different world. Authors for this genre have paved their way to provide such surprising stories for their readers. The plots of science fiction stories are out of this world. Its futuristic concepts are very great at stimulating the minds of the readers.

If you haven’t read science fiction in your whole life, it’s about time you should. What better way to start your journey with this marvelous genre with a fantastic book that will blow your mind. Moon Luck by Wayne Scott Harral is a story of astronauts living on the moon. This impressive story is an excellent mix of sci-fi and mystery, adding more reasons why you should read it. With its unique and compelling plot, you can expect to be galvanized and astonished.

Reading, in general, will give you the ultimate elements to become better. The benefits of reading science fiction are so vast, and some of them will genuinely stun you. Because of its enthralling effects, you may not notice it. Riveting books like Harral’s Moon Luck are the ones that you want to have on your bookshelf. Here are the top reasons why you should go to the book store or scout through online book shops for some sci-fi books:

Sci-Fi Novels Improves Your Memory

Memory plays a vital role in everyone’s life. Our sense of self is retained because of it. From recollecting good memories to remembering where you left your car keys, memory is valuable in our daily lives. Hence, you need to make sure that you are doing everything you can to improve it as it slowly fades as you age. Reading can help you with that. Many studies online have shown reading can slow down cognitive decline as you grow older. Its mentally stimulating activities serve as an exercise for the brain.

Sci-Fi Novels Enhances Your Analytical Skills

The capacity to find solutions to problems that life may throw is a prized possession that everyone should have. It gives you a chance to approach life with well-thought-out decisions. Because of the complex storyline of sci-fi novels, you learn to think as you help protagonists solve their problems. You get so engaged with the story that you will willingly think of answers and resolutions.

Sci-Fi Novels Will Make You More Creative

If you read more, you will gain not just wider knowledge but also wisdom. You can find the most creative ideas in sci-fi novels, from space travel and exploration to aliens, extraterrestrial lifeforms, and mutants. Sublime concepts make readers creatives, making them think outside the box. Reading inspires new ideas. Thus, when you need to come up with one, it will be easier for you.

Sci-Fi Novels Makes You a Great Writer

If you are aspiring to become a better writer, reading should be your number one priority. Reading makes your vocabulary broader, especially when you choose to read sci-fi books, as you will engage in new theories and convictions. You can learn some of the most complex writing mechanisms that make a wide array of genres of writing work together. For instance, reading will expose you to study grammar in context. Study how authors use punctuation and other grammar conventions—you will surely notice some amazing improvements with your writing. With that in mind, you can now read books both for pleasure and with the mindset that you are learning many things for your writing craft.

Although reading seems to be a regular activity that you can do regularly, it’s not a big deal for everyone. Nevertheless, the things that you can get out of it are precious, without you being fully aware of it. Sci-fi is a great genre. Readers often overlook what they gain out of it because of the glee and satisfaction that it gives. Now that you are fully aware of the benefits, you can now read with purpose.


August 31, 2021 Guest Article0

One of the most introspective and thoughtful activities you can do is fiction writing. If you just started your journey in writing, or you’ve done it in the past decided to review the basics, this blog is for you.

Before everything becomes successful, there is a need to go over the basics first. Even if you feel like you’ve mastered it already. This applies to writing fiction novels as well. Although writing will necessitate a lot of creativity, it will still require authors to know the basic components. Well, you can find no definite rules and regulations in writing fiction, but there are tons of techniques that you should know. Even famous authors use these techniques in writing their own. Here are some of the must-haves to write a better story and have a smooth sailing writing process:

Techniques and Strategies

If you want to learn some of the successful published authors’ techniques, all you have to do is read their books. It is the best way to learn writing strategies. If you haven’t decided on which genre you should focus on, read across genres. Don’t shy away from the possibility to get out of your comfort zone. One of the challenging genres you can write is the science fiction genre. There is a good reason why sci-fi is famous and loved genre of all time—it gives readers a full view of the future and brings new realities. If you want to write on this challenging genre, make sure to check out Wayne Scott Harral’s Sci-Fi and mystery book, Moon Luck. This book is for everyone looking for a unique storyline. Reading this will give you techniques, at the same time, it will also entertain you to a fault.

A Smooth-Sailing Writing Process

While you should learn the importance of editing, you still need to be in the moment of writing. When you have a smooth writng process, there will be a greater chance for you to formulate new ideas. Yes, there will be typos or grammar issues as you write, but you should cast your worries about it while you are at it. This way, you can put your focus on the flow of your ideas, and you will not get lost and forget things that you want to include. Freewriting is the key to successful writing.

Motivation and Passion

Just like any other aspect in life, you should also set short-term and long-term goals in writing. When you have short-term goals, you will be more inspired to reach long-term goals. All you need to do is to write everything down to keep track of it. When you see your progress, you will feel more inspired to fulfill each goal. Breaking down your goals will allow you to break down your tasks in a day as well. Hence, you will not feel burnt out from overworking because you are able to manage your tasks.

A Unique Writing Style

Every writer has their own style of writing. If you haven’t found yours yet, you should see to it before starting your writing process. A writing style determines how writers communicate with their readers. When you’ve finally found your style, it will set the tone of your story. The style can change depending on what write-ups they are writing. However, there is one thing about your writing style that you need to work on, and this is being original. Choose a style that radiates you and the people you are writing for. This way, you are focusing on what you desire and also targets the needs of your readers. Although the first point of this article says that you should read books across all genres to get ideas, it is still important to have your own unique style to capture the attention of your readers.

A Substantial and Powerful Theme

The theme is the underlying meaning of the story you are going to write. It should be something that you feel strongly about. However, you should also not forget that you are writing for your readers. Thus, you need to make sure that your theme or message should also be relatable. Often, you need to make the theme about life. Your theme is part of the reason why you are writing a story.








July 31, 2021 Guest ArticleTips2

A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Science Fiction

Science fiction is one of the most enduring genre of all time—wherein other genres are slowly fizzling out, sci-fi flourishes to the top of the genre chain. Its popularity lies in its use as a tool to interpret the world around us and investigate areas of our life that are too complex, too implicit, too subtle to discuss due to the limitations of realistic fiction.


June 25, 2021 Guest Article0

Keys for Generating Excellent Book Ideas

Authors have their moments. There will be times when you feel like you are not in your driving force, and you cannot come up with fantastic book ideas. Nonetheless, this kind of situation is not new to creative people. Coming up with creative ideas is one of the most challenging parts of any creative process. Moreover, the more challenging it gets, the more satisfying it is in the end.



Copyright by Scott Harral 2020. All rights reserved.